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Thursday, October 06, 2005

[+]  هوا

Physics has been so immensly succesful that it is difficult to avoid the convictin that what physicists have done over the pas 300 years is to slowly draw back the veil that stands between us and the world as it really is-that physics, and every science, is the discovery of a ready-made world. As powerful as this mataphor is, it is useful to keep in mind that it is a metaphor, and that there are other ways of looking at physics and at science in general. Ways that may prove even more illuminating that the "obviouse" view.
ref: Inveting Reality by Bruce Georgy.

و در اين هنگام راه تنفسي کمي باز شد .

By Armatil at 10/06/2005 02:02:00 AM  ||   link to this postˆ  || 



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