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Wednesday, April 14, 2004

[+]  the Scirus is a better friend than the old goooooogle
To the Eleusinians who were warring against Erechtheus, came a man, Scirus by name, who was a seer from Dodona, and who also established at Phalerum the ancient temple of Athena Sciras. After he had fallen in the battle, the Eleusinians buried him near a winter-flowing river and the name of the region and the river is from that of the hero."* Scirus was choosen, because seers and prophets are said to judge the signs of what is to come. And science is a visionary discipline in which you are continuously working on new ideas and developments. The Scirus search engine will pro-actively support your role as a seer.

By Armatil at 4/14/2004 08:43:00 PM  ||   link to this postˆ  || 



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